
Find a selection of informative publications below. Explore a diverse range of topics that cover various aspects of regenerative aquaculture. Delve into the latest trends and expert perspectives to expand your knowledge and stay at the forefront of sustainable aquaculture practices.

Introduction to Regenerative Aquaculture

Hidden champion of the ocean - Seaweed as a growth engine for a sustainable European future

Seaweed for Europe

The Road to Sustainable Aquaculture - On current knowledge and priorities for responsible growth

World Economic Forum, Friends of Ocean Action & Blue Food Partnership

Global Principles of Restorative Aquaculture

The Nature Conservancy (2021)

Species Cultivation

Seaweed aquaculture in Norway: recent industrial developments and future perspectives

Stévant, P., Rebours, C., & Chapman, A. S. (2017)

Strategic Review and the Feasibility of Seaweed Aquaculture in Ireland

Werner, A. (2004)

The Environmental Risks Associated With the Development of Seaweed Farming in Europe - Prioritizing Key Knowledge Gaps

Campbell, I., Macleod, A., Sahlmann, C., Neves, L., Funderud, J., Øverland, M., Hughes, A. D., & Stanley, M. S. (2019)

Environmental Impact and Conservation

A critical review of the life cycle climate impact in seaweed value chains to support carbon accounting and blue carbon

Hasselström, L., & Thomas, J. (2022)

Environmental impacts of protein-production from farmed seaweed: Comparison of possible scenarios in Norway

Koesling, M., Kvadsheim, N. P., Halfdanarson, J., Emblemsvåg, J., & Rebours, C. (2021).

Carbon sequestration and climate change mitigation using macroalgae: a state of knowledge review

Pessarrodona, A., Franco-Santos, R. M., Wright, L., Vanderklift, M. A., Howard, J., Pidgeon, E., Wernberg, T., & Filbee-Dexter, K. (2023)

Socioeconomic Aspects of Regenerative Aquaculture

Effects of Climate Change on Global Seaweed Communities

Harley, C. D. G., Anderson, K. M., Demes, K. W., Jorve, J. P., Kordas, R. L., Coyle, T. A., & Graham, M. H. (2012)

Economic and environmental sustainability analysis of seaweed farming

Collins, N., Mediboyina, M. K., Cerca, M., Vance, C., & Murphy, F. (2022).

Creating a social license to operate? Exploring social perceptions of seaweed farming for biofuels in Scotland, Northern Ireland and Ireland

Rostan, J., Billing, S. L., Doran, J., & Hughes, A. (2022)

Policy and Governance of Regenerative Aquaculture

Blue bioeconomy localities at the margins: Reconnecting Norwegian seaweed farming and Finnish small-scale lake fisheries with blue policies

Albrecht, M., & Lukkarinen, J. (2020)

Management of environmental impacts of marine aquaculture in Europe

Read, P., & Fernandes, T. (2003)
